Google Announces New Educational Tools That Use AI

Google announce new feature that use AI

The company said it will show off 15 new Chromebooks at Bett that will come out this year. Also, Google
will soon update Chromebooks so that students can see their upcoming tasks right on the home
screen. AI-powered features.

Features That Use AI

It’s already possible for teachers to add questions to a YouTube video through Google Classroom. The
business said that AI will soon be able to help with coming up with questions for different times. The company first talked about this feature in June 2023. Back then though, teachers had to ask for
this feature.

The business also said that the AI-powered Practice sets feature can now be used in more than 50
languages. These sets include answers and general hints. Teachers can also use a Google Form as a
practice set.

Google is also adding a new tab called Resources to help you keep track of practice sets and questions
that you can answer while watching a video.

In addition, the company said that Duet AI, its generative AI tool for Google Workspace, can help
teachers make lesson plans.

Teaching and Managing Classes

Google said that later this year, teachers will be able to put students into different groups in the Classroom. In addition, they can give each group a different task. They can also use the Slides’ “speaker spotlight” feature to make a lesson with narration along with the slide deck. With the signature feature in Google Workspace, educators can now easily get students to sign documents or agreements. The company is also making changes to Classroom analytics so that teachers can see things like how many assignments were turned in and how grades have changed over time.


Screen readers on ChromeOS will soon be able to get text from PDFs thanks to Google. Plus, people
can highlight text and read it out loud in the Chrome browser. The company is also adding new features
to Google Meet, like the ability to pin more than one host and closed captions in 30 languages.


The company said it will show off 15 new Chromebooks at Bett that will come out this year. Also, Google is
going to soon update Chromebooks so that students can see their upcoming tasks right on the home


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